Does Doctors Recommend Protein Powder? Myths & Facts about Body Building & Protein Powder-Dr Prasoon

protein powder

Hey, what’s up, Dr. Prasoon here. If you are thinking about bodybuilding and muscle gains, you might have considered the option of protein powder. So, is protein powder good for you? Is it healthy? Does taking protein powder lead to kidney diseases? In this video I am going to clear some myths and facts about … Read more

My Orbitrek Elite workout routine and tricks

orbitrek elite

When you think about an elliptical workout machine or a cross-trainer aerobic exercise equipment, Orbitrek Elite is the word that comes naturally to your minds. Thanks to the popular telebrands TV program! Orbitrek Elite is an elliptical aerobic exercise machine vouched by millions all over the world. It works on multiple muscle groups of your … Read more