Fatty Liver Disease – All you need to know

You went to the scanning center to get your stomach scanned for some other disease. After scanning, the doctor says, “There are no other problems, but there is some fat in your liver, which means you have fatty liver disease.” So what is Fatty Liver Disease? What are its symptoms? How can you prevent it? […]
How to take medicines during Ramadan fasting?
All over the world, followers of Islam religion fast from dawn to dusk for one whole month. Typically persons who regularly fast, skip their medicines or adjust the dose without consulting their doctors. This can lead to many preventable health complications. Below is a video in which I go through some of the key health […]
West Nile Virus Fever is Here!

On Friday, the third day of August, 2018, a lady who was admitted at the Calicut medical college was diagnosed with West Nile Virus infection and the news ran it’s rounds in all the TV channels. That news got the attention because of fresh memories of the Nipah virus infection still lingering in the minds […]
The Deadly Dengue Fever & How to stay clear from it

Dengue is a common term one can hear in India particularly with the onset of the monsoon. This year also the number of persons diagnosed with Dengue Fever has increased dramatically compared to the last year especially in states like Punjab Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Dengue Fever is emerging as a major public health issue […]
Proper Prevention of Tetanus

Injured persons are an integral part of every Out Patient Department (OPD) in a hospital. At our hospital we get around 5 to 10 injury cases every day. And there is only one thing common in all these cases… all of them want Injection TT (Tetanus Toxoid). If it is a child who gets injured, […]
All about Malaria, symptoms, prevention & treatment

Last week, all the news channels in Kerala were enthusiastically reporting the detection of five “cerebral malaria” cases in Kozhikode district. All the cases were surprisingly detected in a single house! The newly elected health minister, director of health service department, health secretary and other healthcare workers were concerned. That’s because malaria is a serious […]
Blood Tests in Diabetes – Methods & Results

Is there an easy way to know whether you are Diabetic? Most of us are aware of the fact that Diabetes can be detected by simple blood tests. But, which tests to do? Which test is the most accurate and affordable one? Is Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) always a mandatory test? What are the ideal […]