West Nile Virus Fever is Here!

transmission of west nile virus infection from mosquitoes

On Friday, the third day of August, 2018, a lady who was admitted at the Calicut medical college was diagnosed with West Nile Virus infection and the news ran it’s rounds in all the TV channels. That news got the attention because of fresh memories of the Nipah virus infection still lingering in the minds […]

The Deadly Dengue Fever & How to stay clear from it

dengue fever aedes mosquito

Dengue is a common term one can hear in India particularly with the onset of the monsoon. This year also the number of persons diagnosed with Dengue Fever has increased dramatically compared to the last year especially in states like Punjab Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Dengue Fever is emerging as a major public health issue […]

Nipah virus infection, all the frequently asked questions answered

fruit bat flying fox nipah virus infection

All the news channels in Kerala are singing horror stories of Nipah virus 24/7 and still, the lay man has many doubts! A visit to Kozhikode district will reveal the true picture there. People travelling in the bus, those commuting on the streets are wearing their protective face masks, which is now in quite high […]

Doctor’s fantasy Stethoscope, the 3M Littmann Electronic 3200

littmann electronic 3200

They say, it’s very likely to get all types of patients at Calicut Medical College and that includes the rarest of cardiac diseases. When I was an intern there, we had a Fallot’s tetralogy child at the paediatrics ward and every time we saw the cheerful child, we thought about the 4 cardiac deformities in […]

Vitamin D – Functions, Sources & Deficiency

fish liver oil, vitamin d

Vitamin D is a unique vitamin, differing from other vitamins in it’s very definition. A vitamin is defined as “a substance that must be obtained from food because of a lack of capacity in the human body to synthesise it”. Vitamin D can not only be obtained from the diet, but it can be synthesised […]

Burdened by School Bags – 5 Solutions

heavy school bag child

Imagine climbing stairs everyday with a 12 kg  backpack assuming your body weight is 60 kg. It’s a tough job. Now, imagine doing it six days a week. That’s exactly what you are forcing your children to do. A school going child only needs to carry a school bag which weighs less than 10% of […]

Proper Prevention of Tetanus

tetanus lockjaw

Injured persons are an integral part of every Out Patient Department (OPD) in a hospital. At our hospital we get around 5 to 10 injury cases every day. And there is only one thing common in all these cases… all of them want Injection TT (Tetanus Toxoid). If it is a child who gets injured, […]