Measles Rubella Vaccination Campaign – Weeks 2 to 4
The MR Vaccine – Old Wine in New BottleMeasles Rubella vaccination campaign kickstarted in Kerala on the third of October, 2017. Thoughts on the first week of the campaign in a small village of Kannur district was published earlier and you can find that article here. This article is a sequel to that post and […]
Timeline of an Immunization Day
Did you know that we celebrate “World Immunization Day” on the tenth of November every year? We at BeingTheDoctor have covered a number of articles on vaccines, their schedule and special programmes to promote immunization. You can find those informative articles here. In this post, I’ll tell you the activities that goes behind the scene […]
Thoughts on the MR vaccination campaign – Week 1
As you all might be aware, the Measles Rubella (MR) vaccination campaign kickstarted in Kerala on October 3, 2017. It’s a huge programme, probably the first one of it’s kind in India covering every child in the age group of 9 months to 15 years. One shot of the MR vaccine is given irrespective of […]
The Time taken for a Doctor Consultation
If you had an ailment and is seeking a doctor’s consultation to get yourself back to good health, how much time would you like the doctor to take? That is from the moment you enter the doctor’s cabin to the time you walk away from him? That depends, isn’t it? Because, if you’re consulting a […]
A Hospital Story – The Fish Hook Incident

It was a normal day at the hospital. Patients were waiting in the lobby eagerly looking at the red coloured numbers brightly displayed on a small screen. The small speakers close to the LED screen had just announced the current “Token Number” as “88”. It was almost 12:20 pm and I was in a hurry […]
One day at the OPD
A lady walks in carrying a baby boy, her face hidden under the ‘burkah’ . She was holding the hand of a four year-old girl with her other hand and that little girl had a small paper toy clutched firmly in her hands. Another boy, not older than 10 years was standing at the door, […]
Prescribing Generic Medicine Name – An Open Letter to the PM
The Central Government of India demands every doctor in India to prescribe only the generic name of the medicine and not to write the brand names. Many states in India, including Kerala have already adopted this guideline into their system. This article is an open letter to the honourable prime minister of India Sri Narendra […]