Is your baby having yellow watery diarrhea? Diarrhea in young children, particularly in newborns, infants, and other babies is very common and mostly can be managed at home.
Preparing and using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) along with other home fluids and remedies is something that you should know about. You should also know when to take your baby or child to the hospital when suffering from diarrhea.
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Here is the video description on the management of Diarrhea of children at home.

Management of Diarrhea

Most cases of diarrhea clear on their own within a couple of days without treatment.

Treatment to replace fluids

The best advice you can get from a doctor is to replace the fluids and salts.

Making children drink ORS is the best thing you can do at home to manage Diarrhea.

Water is a good way to replace fluids, but it doesn’t contain the salts and electrolytes — minerals such as sodium and potassium — that are essential for your body to function.

Using an oral rehydration solution helps to prevent dehydration or replace lost fluids.

Oral rehydration solution (ORS)

ORS packets contain the right amount of sodium, potassium, glucose, that are required to rehydrate your child’s body. You just have to mix it in clean boiled and cooled water and make your child drink it.


How to use ORS?

how to make ORS solution

Please note the following points when preparing ORS:


Making your child drink ORS

The recommended ORS rehydration defers according to age groups. Normally one cup of ORS should be given after each loose stool. Otherwise, follow the below guidelines.

How to use ORS


How to prepare oral rehydration solution at home? 

If ORS packets are not available, you can prepare it at home as well.

Be careful to mix the correct amounts. Too much sugar can make diarrhea worse and too much salt can also be extremely harmful to the child.

Can the ORS solution be stored? The ORS solution should be covered and not kept for more than 24 hours, due to the risk of bacterial contamination.


Other home remedies

Apart from giving ORS, there are some other home remedies that you can try at home to manage your child’s Diarrhea. These include:



When to see a doctor

In children, particularly young children, diarrhea can sometimes lead to dehydration. This is especially true if the diarrhea is combined with a fever or vomiting or both.

Consult your doctor if your child’s diarrhea doesn’t improve after 48 hours or if your baby:

Photo of a dehydrated baby

So how did you like this article? Have you prepared and used ORS to treat diarrhea at home? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Please share this article with your friends and family members.
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