Hands-On Review of Dr Morepen ST03 Stethoscope

dr more pen stethoscope st03

The ear-buds of my 10-year old Littmann Classic II stethoscope was changed about an year ago and they’ve been really painful ever since. Though the auscultating power of the stethoscope was not compromised after the change, I found it more and more uncomfortable as days passed by. Well, that was not the only reason why […]

Prescribing Generic Medicine Name – An Open Letter to the PM

The Central Government of India demands every doctor in India to prescribe only the generic name of the medicine and not to write the brand names. Many states in India, including Kerala have already adopted this guideline into their system. This article is an open letter to the honourable prime minister of India Sri Narendra […]

Omron NE-C28 Compressor Nebulizer Review

The use of nebulisers at home is on the rise and more people are looking to buy one for themselves. That is simply because of the ease with which one can use a nebulizer safely at home, practically removing the need to visit the nearby hospital for nebulisation every single time! MUST READ: Who should […]

Doctor Manhandled because of an Injection

A doctor was humiliated by the by-standers of a patient because they believed that the injection prescribed by the doctor was the reason for the patient’s body weakness! This article is the first one of it’s kind at BeingTheDoctor where incidents of cruelties against doctors in India are highlighted. Such incidents have been on the […]

Does the Vaccines really Contain Harmful Mercury?

mercury, thiomersal, vaccine

In the past few years, I had to face many persons questioning the safety of vaccines. The vast majority of them are concerned about the mercury content in vaccines. Why use Thiomersal in vaccines? Isn’t it a mercury containing harmful compound? Then why are the vaccines containing mercury being given to small children and adults […]

What is Diabetes?

diabetes, glucometer, blood test

Diabetes, also called as Diabetes Mellitus is a non communicable disease which is now being considered as a group of diseases rather than a single disease entity. There is a normal range of blood glucose or sugar in our body. Diabetes is characterised by a sustained state of increased glucose level in the body. The […]

Electronic Cigarettes – How much Safer they are for the Environment

electronic cigarette

Debating whether or not electronic cigarettes are healthy is a battle we can’t win. It’s messy and frustrating, therefore it’s not worth focusing on. Some people think that e-cigs are the best tech solution to traditional smoking, whereas others believe the devices are a real threat to the public health. There have been many studies, […]