Top 10 Steps To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes


My animosity with mosquitoes started in my pre-school years. I remember my father carrying a big steel dish coated with oil and swinging it wildly in the air to trap those flying blood suckers. Me and my brothers were assigned the duty of finding small mosquitoes sticking on to the white walls of our small house. At the end of the mosquito catching game, my father used to count the number of kills and we would then compare it with the previous day’s numbers. It was really an amusing game to play those days and when I think of it now, I can only hate mosquitoes with a bit more hostility in my mind. Things changed when my father brought home a mosquito net for every bed in our house, Till that day, mosquito repellant plug-in machines was our main weapon against them. During my college days, the weapon however changed from mosquito repelling machines to repellant body creams. Going for a night duty at various departments of our Medical College could easily be compared to a camping trip. Full sleeved shirts and pants were a must for those night duties, not because of the dress code, but to keep the mosquitoes away from my skin.

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Use this free SMS service to never miss your child’s Immunization days again

immunize India children

Vaccinating your children against “vaccine preventable diseases” is one of the first step to be taken by all parents to provide a healthy life for their loved ones. But, most of the time, the busy working parent forgets about the immunization date for their children and end up missing the shots. How cool would it … Read more

Can Diabetics Eat Fruits?

fruits diabetes

“I had  a mango yesterday night”, he said suggesting the possible cause for the raised Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) level.

“I usually do not have fruits, but yesterday I had to” he continued as if he had committed a grave mistake.

When I told him, “You know something? Diabetics are NOT restricted from eating fruits”, he looked surprised and the look on his face was a familiar one. He wanted to know more on whether he could eat fruits. The poor man had been a diabetic for the past 5 years and he has been restricting himself from all kinds of fruits. I had to spent 10 minutes explaining the conditions to be followed if a diabetic person wants to eat fruits.

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Vaccine Cold Chain and VVM, ensuring the potency of vaccines

vaccine carrier cold chain

Responsible parens take their children to the nearest hospital for vaccination. Vaccines are readily available there. The only thing that bothers the parents is about the injections being painful and the possibility of developing fever after taking the shot. Has anyone of you thought about the potency and effectiveness of the vaccines that are available … Read more

Undiscovered Uses of Stethoscope


Dr René Laennec couldn’t have guessed that his invention would one day become the third hand of every doctor in this world. The stethoscope is used to listen to the various sounds produced in our body. It includes heart beats, abnormal heart sounds like murmurs and clicks, breath sounds, bowel sounds etc. Our Medicine Professor, … Read more

How much are you willing to pay at a Primary Health Centre (PHC) ?

5 rupees coin india

Consulting a doctor in India is an expensive routine unless you opt for the public hospitals functioning under the government. I’ve been working at such a government hospital for the past 3 years now. Things were running smooth until the hike in the consultation fee. This article explains the reasons for the sudden hike in … Read more