Home Remedies for treatment of Diarrhea in Babies and Children

Treating diarrhea in babies at home

Is your baby having yellow watery diarrhea? Diarrhea in young children, particularly in newborns, infants, and other babies is very common and mostly can be managed at home. Preparing and using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) along with other home fluids and remedies is something that you should know about. You should also know when to […]

Some Useful Home Remedies for Cough & Cold

Sneezing child

Monsoons are back in Kerala & it’s raining heavily for the last couple of days now. Hopefully, it doesn’t flood this time! This rainy season when most persons catch a common cold and take sick leave from their work just because of the nasty flu. In this article, I will tell you some useful home […]

Why to Vaccinate your Child?

edward jenner vaccine

Ravi Kiran, a cute little 4 year old boy had just moved in to my neighbourhood. It took only a few months to start loving him. Believe me, he was such a talkative boy for his age. One day when I returned from the college tired, my mother who was his best friend was gloomy. […]

Why Some Parents Hate Vaccination?

polio paralysis man

 It was around 11:00 in the morning and I was walking with our team of health workers. The Sun was not kind enough that day and still we had to go to this house which was not accessible by road. I love walking, but not at the middle of the day when the blazing heat […]