Does Doctors Recommend Protein Powder? Myths & Facts about Body Building & Protein Powder-Dr Prasoon

Hey, what’s up, Dr. Prasoon here. If you are thinking about bodybuilding and muscle gains, you might have considered the option of protein powder. So, is protein powder good for you? Is it healthy? Does taking protein powder lead to kidney diseases? In this video I am going to clear some myths and facts about […]
My Orbitrek Elite workout routine and tricks

When you think about an elliptical workout machine or a cross-trainer aerobic exercise equipment, Orbitrek Elite is the word that comes naturally to your minds. Thanks to the popular telebrands TV program! Orbitrek Elite is an elliptical aerobic exercise machine vouched by millions all over the world. It works on multiple muscle groups of your […]
Discover the Fitness Coach in your Smartphone!

We all aspire to live long on earth. Long enough to enjoy the pleasures of the world and the company of our family and friends. To achieve this you need to exercise. Exercising requires a little bit of effort. You have to set time from your schedule to work out. You also have to set […]
Fitbit Charge 2 Review

The latest offering from Fitbit, the newer Charge 2 has been turning some heads since it’s launch. With new features like “guided breathing”, “sleep recognition” and “cardio-monitoring”, the Fitbit Charge 2 is set to provide real competition to even the smartwatches. So, let’s find out if it’s really worth upgrading to the Charge 2. Features […]
How to Track your daily Activity with just an iPhone

Yeah, you don’t need an[easyazon_link identifier=”B01M4LW8CZ” locale=”IN” tag=”eabtd-21″]Apple Watch[/easyazon_link] or a dedicated fitness gear like the [easyazon_link identifier=”B01K9S260E” locale=”IN” tag=”eabtd-21″]Fitbit[/easyazon_link] to track your daily activity. You can do it with just your iPhone. I’ll tell you how to do it in this article. Before we go into that, you should know the need to track […]
How the Apple Watch can improve your Health & Fitness

Imagine hiring a personal fitness trainer who pings or calls you every hour to motivate you. Or else, imagine someone who accompanies you 24×7 giving you fitness advice. If you are doing a white-collar job involving long hours of sitting and does very little physical activities in your leisure time, hiring such a trainer should […]