Healthcare in India

Primary Health Centre india healthcare

Where do you think India stand globally in the healthcare sector? I had no clue until I stumbled upon this page in the World Health Organization (WHO) website. India is ranked 112th  in the world out of 191. I will try to explain why we are in that position even after 67 years of Independence. […]

Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) Control Programme

Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) are climbing the rank list and will shortly become the leading cause of death in humans. India is also experiencing such a transition with the rising number of NCD. According to a WHO report, cardiovascular diseases will be the leading cause of death in India by 2020. But, you don’t have […]

A Hospital Story – The Fish Hook Incident

fish hook

It was a normal day at the hospital. Patients were waiting in the lobby eagerly looking at the red coloured numbers brightly displayed on a small screen. The small speakers close to the LED screen had just announced the current “Token Number” as “88”. It was almost 12:20 pm and I was in a hurry […]

One day at the OPD

A lady walks in carrying a baby boy, her face hidden under the ‘burkah’ . She was holding the hand of a four year-old girl with her other hand and that little girl had a small paper toy clutched firmly in her hands. Another boy, not older than 10 years was standing at the door, […]

Visit Government Hospitals & Save Money on Health Expenses?

When we get a product or any service done at a very low cost, nine out of ten times we think the quality of the product or service is low. Isn’t it so? Things are the same when it comes to healthcare system as most of the population believe that medicines and services provided at […]

A ‘Walk’ to Immunize

Picture this – three JPHNs (Junior Public Health Nurse), one JHI (Junior Health Inspector) carrying white boxes about the size of a laptop, which we call vaccine carriers and cold boxes. These boxes contains vaccines of course. They are walking on a dirt track, and I was following them since I didn’t know the way […]

The Free Immunization (Vaccination) Programme in India

vaccine injection india immunization

Vaccines are by all means one of the most important achievements of Public health care in the whole planet. Immunization is the process of fortifying an individual’s immune system against an immunogen (antigen/agent causing the disease). UPDATE : As newer vaccines are being introduced in India, this post will be updated regularly. So, I’d recommend […]