Well Water Chlorination

well water chlorination

Water Wells are the prime source of water in the rural areas of India. Every house in rural India has a well in their premises meeting all the water demands of its inhabitants. The very first thing that a common man will look for before constructing a house is the availability of a perennial source […]

Waste Disposal System in India

waste heap

Heaps of waste are not uncommon in India. One can easily feel the stench from the waste heap before seeing it. These heaps are gaining height and so are the number of diseases. Every house produces garbage, rubbish and other kinds of waste that needs to be disposed off properly. It is easier to throw […]

Sub-Centres of Healthcare

subcentre india

A small cozy room, furnished only with one table, an old wooden chair, and a fully loaded wooden cabinet. The scenic beauty of rural Indian village surrounding this small room has it’s own tales to tell. That is how the smallest workplace in Indian Healthcare system looks like. If it can be called an office, […]

How to Overcome Stage Fright

stage fright mic

I still remember the day when I made my first appearance on stage. it was at the school of course! I had to dictate the “national pledge” during the morning assembly. It was on that day, that I realised my “fear of the stage”. Since that day, I have tried my level best to avoid […]

Everything about Ebola ; Is India Prepared?

ebola virus disease

Ebola is a virus which causes the deadly disease named as the Ebola  Virus Disease (EVD). It has rapidly became one of the most dangerous emerging disease in the world. The disease is a type of haemorrhagic illness which is usually fatal if left untreated. Ebola virus was first detected in the world in 1976 […]

Get Free Medicines at Government Hospitals

One of the most appreciated fact about the health care system in our county is that most the essential drugs are given free of cost to the patients. This is true from the lowermost level of the primary health care system. Patients suffering from ‘Non Communicable Diseases’ (NCD) like Hypertension and Diabetes are the ones […]

Duties of a Government hospital Doctor

If you are a Doctor and a new entrant to the public health service, I must congratulate you first of all for making this decision. As a part of the primary health care system in the country every doctor has been entrusted with many responsibilities, and you are no exception!. In this post I will […]