The Free Immunization (Vaccination) Programme in India

vaccine injection india immunization
Vaccines are by all means one of the most important achievements of Public health care in the whole planet. Immunization is the process of fortifying an individual’s immune system against an immunogen (antigen/agent causing the disease).
UPDATE : As newer vaccines are being introduced in India, this post will be updated regularly. So, I’d recommend you to bookmark this page for easier access the next time you’re looking for the vaccination schedule.  Last Updated – July, 2016
The Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) was launched initially in 1985 and is one of the world’s largest Immunisation Programmes taking into consideration the huge target population and the mere number of immunisation sessions that are being conducted every day all over the country.

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Story of a project for the differently abled persons

motorised wheelchair project differently abled

Koulath’s beaming face was telling it’s own story when the wheelchair started to move and turn around as in magic. She was controlling the motorised wheelchair with a small knob on the right armrest of the chair. Her family couldn’t possibly afford to buy this expensive movement aid. Now, with the help of state  government, … Read more

Use this free SMS service to never miss your child’s Immunization days again

immunize India children

Vaccinating your children against “vaccine preventable diseases” is one of the first step to be taken by all parents to provide a healthy life for their loved ones. But, most of the time, the busy working parent forgets about the immunization date for their children and end up missing the shots. How cool would it … Read more

Vaccine Cold Chain and VVM, ensuring the potency of vaccines

vaccine carrier cold chain

Responsible parens take their children to the nearest hospital for vaccination. Vaccines are readily available there. The only thing that bothers the parents is about the injections being painful and the possibility of developing fever after taking the shot. Has anyone of you thought about the potency and effectiveness of the vaccines that are available … Read more