Juggling Patients and Paper Toys: A Day in the Life of a Government Doctor

A mysterious lady strolls in with a baby boy in tow, sporting a ‘burkah’ that could rival a secret agent’s disguise. She’s got a tight grip on a four-year-old girl with one hand, who’s clutching a paper toy like it’s the last piece of treasure on Earth. Meanwhile, a pint-sized boy, not a day over […]
The Time taken for a Doctor Consultation
If you had an ailment and is seeking a doctor’s consultation to get yourself back to good health, how much time would you like the doctor to take? That is from the moment you enter the doctor’s cabin to the time you walk away from him? That depends, isn’t it? Because, if you’re consulting a […]
Laboratory Technician interview at our PHC
Regular readers of this blog will be aware of the fact that we recently launched the medical laboratory in our primary health centre (PHC). Many things have changed at the PHC since the inception of the laboratory. The most remarkable change was the hike in Out-Patient Department (OPD) fee. The voices raised by the outpatient […]
How much are you willing to pay at a Primary Health Centre (PHC) ?

Consulting a doctor in India is an expensive routine unless you opt for the public hospitals functioning under the government. I’ve been working at such a government hospital for the past 3 years now. Things were running smooth until the hike in the consultation fee. This article explains the reasons for the sudden hike in […]