Home Remedies for treatment of Diarrhea in Babies and Children

Treating diarrhea in babies at home

Is your baby having yellow watery diarrhea? Diarrhea in young children, particularly in newborns, infants, and other babies is very common and mostly can be managed at home. Preparing and using Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) along with other home fluids and remedies is something that you should know about. You should also know when to […]

11 Tips To Choose The Best Online Doctor Consultation

Online doctor consultation app Dofody

New online doctor consultation companies are popping up like mushrooms in India! When you face a health problem and you cannot find the time to consult a doctor in person, you first think about online doctor consultation.   With some popular names on the internet and the billboards across the roads in your city, you […]

Baby Car Seat – 9 Things You Should Know.

Child car seat

When you travel in a car along with your 5-year-old child, do you use a baby car seat? What are the benefits of a child seat? What things should you consider while buying the next child car seat? This is what I’m telling you in this article. If you know Malayalam, watch this video and […]

Why Home Blood Pressure Monitoring is Important

home blood pressure monitoring

Hypertension or high blood pressure is fast becoming one of the leading lifestyle diseases in our country. There will be at least one member in your family who is suffering from elevated blood pressure. If you are new to the term “hypertension”, you should definitely read this article which explains the meaning of blood pressure […]

My Orbitrek Elite workout routine and tricks

orbitrek elite

When you think about an elliptical workout machine or a cross-trainer aerobic exercise equipment, Orbitrek Elite is the word that comes naturally to your minds. Thanks to the popular telebrands TV program! Orbitrek Elite is an elliptical aerobic exercise machine vouched by millions all over the world. It works on multiple muscle groups of your […]

Tips to choose the right Blood Pressure Machine

Blood pressure machine featured image

Hypertension or high blood pressure, the notorious non-communicable disease is now a common household name. At our primary health center, I have patients belonging to all the socio-economic groups who are suffering from this disease. Modifying the lifestyle, making the correct dietary changes, reducing the consumption of salt in the diet and strictly taking the anti-hypertensive medicines […]