Doctor Manhandled because of an Injection

A doctor was humiliated by the by-standers of a patient because they believed that the injection prescribed by the doctor was the reason for the patient’s body weakness! This article is the first one of it’s kind at BeingTheDoctor where incidents of cruelties against doctors in India are highlighted. Such incidents have been on the […]

Looking back at my first Clinical Death Confirmation

It usually starts with the loud cries of one or two ladies which you can hear even if you are about 50 feet away from the site of incidence. Then you can see a gathering slowly building up around the bed from where the cries had originated. A doctor, a Nurse, one or two Interns […]

Suturing the Wounded Celebrity

suture thread, needle

Blood was oozing from the wound like a water pipe with no stopper. The waste bin was half full with blood stained cotton balls which I had used earlier.Anxiety was creeping all over my body and i could feel my palms sweating underneath the sterile gloves. The lady however was still awake and conscious and […]

Story of a project for the differently abled persons

motorised wheelchair project differently abled

Koulath’s beaming face was telling it’s own story when the wheelchair started to move and turn around as in magic. She was controlling the motorised wheelchair with a small knob on the right armrest of the chair. Her family couldn’t possibly afford to buy this expensive movement aid. Now, with the help of state  government, […]

Undiscovered Uses of Stethoscope


Dr René Laennec couldn’t have guessed that his invention would one day become the third hand of every doctor in this world. The stethoscope is used to listen to the various sounds produced in our body. It includes heart beats, abnormal heart sounds like murmurs and clicks, breath sounds, bowel sounds etc. Our Medicine Professor, […]

Laboratory Technician interview at our PHC

Regular readers of this blog will be aware of the fact that we recently launched the medical laboratory in our primary health centre (PHC). Many things have changed at the PHC since the inception of the laboratory. The most remarkable change was the hike in Out-Patient Department (OPD) fee. The voices raised by the outpatient […]

How to Overcome Stage Fright

stage fright mic

I still remember the day when I made my first appearance on stage. it was at the school of course! I had to dictate the “national pledge” during the morning assembly. It was on that day, that I realised my “fear of the stage”. Since that day, I have tried my level best to avoid […]