Get Free Medicines at Government Hospitals

One of the most appreciated fact about the health care system in our county is that most the essential drugs are given free of cost to the patients. This is true from the lowermost level of the primary health care system. Patients suffering from ‘Non Communicable Diseases’ (NCD) like Hypertension and Diabetes are the ones […]

Duties of a Government hospital Doctor

If you are a Doctor and a new entrant to the public health service, I must congratulate you first of all for making this decision. As a part of the primary health care system in the country every doctor has been entrusted with many responsibilities, and you are no exception!. In this post I will […]

Meet the Health Workers

multi purpose health workers india

Life would have been easier if my job was just to conduct the OPD and be done with it, but as the Medical Officer in charge of the hospital, there is a long list of extra responsibilities entrusted upon me. This mostly includes Administrative duties and social responsibilities. In order to understand the process of […]

One shot, two Hospitals !

“We have another hospital under us” said my Medical Officer, “What?” I asked in surprise,   “Yes, we have a Fisheries hospital which is also a Primary Health Centre”  she said with a sluggish grin.