How much are you willing to pay at a Primary Health Centre (PHC) ?

5 rupees coin india

Consulting a doctor in India is an expensive routine unless you opt for the public hospitals functioning under the government. I’ve been working at such a government hospital for the past 3 years now. Things were running smooth until the hike in the consultation fee. This article explains the reasons for the sudden hike in […]

Comparing Indian healthcare system with NHS of UK

NHS healthcare ambulance

One of the best healthcare system in the world has been working seamlessly for the past 70 years and has become the role model for several countries. I’m talking about the National Health Service of UK and in this article we will be finding out how the NHS became one of the best healthcare system […]

“Health for all” & Primary Health Care

Health is a fundamental right and it is not reserved for the rich people in the community. The poor people in the community also have the right to be healthy and it is the government’s responsibility to make sure that health services are being delivered ubiquitously to all. But, how do they do that? Health for […]

Why Kerala Government Doctors were on Strike?

kerala doctors strike kgmoa

It took 7 days for the government to reach an agreement with the doctors on strike in Kerala. If you are one of those who raised an eyebrow when you heard about the news of doctor’s strike, you need to understand why they were doing so, before you play the blame game. Were all the […]

Leptospirosis – All you need to know!

leptospirosis, farmers, risk

Leptospirosis or Weils disease is an animal infection caused by a group of bacteria called as “spirocheates”. Rodents and rats are the major reservoirs of the disease and human infections occurs when they come in contact with these infected animals. Human leptospirosis manifests in many forms are widely varied ranging from mild fever to severe […]

Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) or Monkey Disease

monkey disease KFD Kyasanur

Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) or Monkey disease was creating regular headlines in all newspapers in the northern parts of Kerala, India very recently. If you are planning to visit these areas and want to learn more about the disease including the steps to prevent the potentially fatal disease, you should read this article. Kyasanur Forest […]