Every living person in this world would have encountered a situation where he/she is being chased by an animal. I often have that kind of dreams and wake up in my sleep with a sudden jerk. You can thank your lucky stars if you managed to escape a bite somehow. But not all persons are lucky enough. Some may even get an unprovoked trivial pet lick or bite at home and even that can lead to Rabies. Rabies can be easily prevented with vaccines, but once the disease develops in humans, it is incurable and will eventually lead to death. In fact, Rabies is the only communicable disease in man which is cent percent fatal.
Why you should support the Pulse Polio Immunization Programme
The last case of polio in India was reported in 2011 in Howrah district of West Bengal. Thereafter no polio case has been reported in our country. On 27th March, 2014, India was declared as a “non-endemic” country for polio. In simple words, India was declared polio free in 2014. It was a historic day … Read more