Vaccinating your children against “vaccine preventable diseases” is one of the first step to be taken by all parents to provide a healthy life for their loved ones. But, most of the time, the busy working parent forgets about the immunization date for their children and end up missing the shots. How cool would it be if there is a free SMS service which sends messages to you reminding about the immunization details at the right time? In this article we shall be looking at such an awesome service for the citizens of India.
You will need
- A child less than 12 years of age (assuming that you know the date of birth of the child).
- A mobile phone with a working network connection.
- Minimum 5 rupees balance in the main account. This is required for the initial registration SMS and the charges will depend on your network provider. BSNL charges just 3 rupees!
How to activate Immunize India service?
The National Vaccination Reminder service was initially launched in 2012 and is a non-profit free service.
You just need to send a sms to “566778” in the following format :
Immunize<space><child’s name><space><child’s date of birth>
An example is shown in the screenshot given below.
You will receive a confirmation message as shown in the screenshot below.
How it works?
After successfully completing the registration of the immunization reminder services, you will be receiving at least 3 messages timed just before every vaccination your child is due for. The messages are sent according to the IAPCOI (Indian Academy of Paediatrics Committee on Immunization) immunization time table.The service will continue till your child becomes 12-year-old.
The free SMS services do not endorse any brand of vaccination /hospitals/doctors in any manner.
In order to stop receiving these messages you simply need to send :
Immunize Stop
to 566778.
Interesting Reading : Some common myths about Vaccination
Hope you liked this article and will make use of this free service. Send a simple SMS and never miss a vaccine shot!
Image credit : CDC Global