It usually starts with the loud cries of one or two ladies which you can hear even if you are about 50 feet away from the site of incidence. Then you can see a gathering slowly building up around the bed from where the cries had originated. A doctor, a Nurse, one or two Interns can also be seen around the vicinity of the scene with emotion-less faces engaged in some kind of activity like giving a Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or giving electric shocks to the patient with a Defibrillator or giving instructions to the Nurse which usually includes the words “Atropine” and “Adrenaline”. Then after a few minutes of hard work, the Doctor stops the CPR, looks at the monitor displaying straight lines with intermittent feeble sine waves. and examines the chest and the eyes of the patient. Then he walks out of the ward like a defeated warrior with his head held down and asking one of the male bystanders to accompany him. After explaining the reason why such interventions were done in the last one hour, the doctor declares that the patient is “no more”.
Top 5 Best Stethoscopes
I’ve been asking my friends and colleagues about their stethoscopes for a while now. After six months of research, I’ve come up with this list of five best stethoscopes that you can buy online. Being the Doctor is about better health and stethoscopes are like the brand ambassador of this blog. For auscultation of heart, … Read more